Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pissin' Vinegar

"Damn it!" he whispered underneath his breath. He could hear her feet shuffling down the hallway as he frantically tried to pull the toilet paper off of the role. She caught him...

"What are you doing? Did, did you piss on the toilet seat again? AAAGGGHHH!" she sighed. "You know I can feel that when I sit on the toilet seat right!" she proclaimed in a digusted tone. "You are so nasty! Raise the damn toilet seat when you go to do that!"

"Baby", he said in a low, sympathetic tone. "I was half asleep and I had to piss and I forgot to raise..." It didn't matter, his words fell on deaf ears.

He went to the sink to wash his hands. She went to the hall closet to get him the damn bathroom cleaner.

1 comment: said...

You capture relationships and life in a really fun way. One time Kyle left the toilet seat up and I was half asleep when I had to go...needless to say, I fell in:)